Cracked greenhouse glass can be a common occurrence and a bugbear for gardeners. Most greenhouses are made with horticultural glass, which is only 3mm thick and slightly weaker than glass used for traditional windows. It makes it more prone to breakage, whether it be from strimming too nearby, a stray football or adverse weather conditions. There are many reasons why greenhouse glass panes can crack and few options to repair them.
A disadvantage of horticultural glass is that when broken and left untreated, it can form large, sharp shards which is a hazard to adults, children, and pets. Knowing this, as soon as Mrs. D noticed a large crack in one of the glass panes in her greenhouse, she ordered a roll of Sylglas Clear Weatherproofing Tape. She had heard from a friend how it can offer both a temporary fix, and a level of safety against further breakage. The permanent solution is to order a replacement glass panel from a local glazier, but this can take time.
Our customer, Mrs. D regularly has her grandchildren and dog with her gardening in her greenhouse so wanted to ensure it was safe for them to play in. In addition to this, broken glass can lower the temperature of the greenhouse and expose the plants to colder conditions.
Mrs. D had heard how easy it was to apply Sylglas Clear Weatherproofing Tape so decided to give it a try. After cleaning the pane of glass thoroughly and carefully, she made sure the area was dry. She then applied the tape to both sides of the glass in strips, following the path of the crack. Mrs. D is very happy with the result and commented on just how easy the tape was to work with. She was so impressed how effective it was that she ordered another product to test out in her polytunnel, Sylglas Anti-slip Tape.
Next time you are in your greenhouse, look at your glass carefully for any cracks that might be forming. Trim back nearby tree branches that could fall onto your glass, and in winter always remove any icicles that might form. Clear snow from the roof if you are able and at the base of your greenhouse to prevent the glass from cracking.
Lastly, we suggest being prepared with a roll of Sylglas Clear Weatherproofing Tape for cracks. However, if the glass is beyond temporary repair, you could use a piece of plywood or styrofoam to keep your plants warm until you can fully repair the pane of glass.